ISPTech Secures €2M in Pre-Seed Funding to Advance Green Propulsion for Satellites

ISPTech Green Propulsion

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Insider Brief:

  • InSpacePropulsion Technologies GmbH (ISPTech) has raised €2 million in a pre-seed round to advance its green propulsion technology for spacecraft.
  • The investment round, led by High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), also included contributions from First Momentum Ventures and Possible Ventures.
  • The funds will help ISPTech develop and qualify its propulsion systems for spaceflight, aiming to launch the first systems by the end of 2025.

InSpacePropulsion Technologies GmbH (ISPTech), a spin-off from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), has raised €2 million in a pre-seed round to advance its green propulsion technology for spacecraft. The investment round, led by High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF), also included contributions from First Momentum Ventures and Possible Ventures. ISPTech aims to provide cost-effective, reliable propulsion systems for various spacecraft, from small CubeSats to large satellites.

ISPTech’s propulsion systems utilize non-toxic propellants, addressing a significant need in the satellite industry. Traditional in-space propulsion systems often rely on highly toxic propellants, leading to high handling costs and complex operations. In contrast, ISPTech’s technology reduces overall costs and simplifies spacecraft operations. These systems offer better performance and safety compared to existing alternatives.

The company’s flagship technology, HyNOx, uses a mix of ethane and nitrous oxide. Unlike current systems, it operates continuously without overheating issues. Another key technology, HIP_11, caters to larger spacecraft and supports chemical and electric propulsion. This dual capability provides flexibility and reduces operational complexity.

The funds will help ISPTech develop and qualify its propulsion systems for spaceflight, aiming to launch the first systems by the end of 2025. The successful demonstration of these systems in space will pave the way for broader market adoption.

ISPTech’s founders, Felix Lauck and Dr. Lukas Werling, discussed the demand for affordable, robust propulsion technologies in the rapidly growing space industry. Since its inception in 2023, the company has attracted significant interest from major space players and secured its first paying customers.

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HTGF’s Investment Manager, Dr. Koen Geurts, highlighted the growing need for non-toxic propulsion systems as the space market expands. He noted that ISPTech is uniquely positioned to set a new market standard. Other investors echoed this sentiment, recognizing ISPTech’s potential to lead in the European market for green propulsion systems.

Image credit: ISPTech

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